
Baptism is one of the greatest gifts that Christ has given us, and one of the greatest gifts that parents can give to their children. Through Baptism, a person is united to the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is nothing more important than knowing how it is that you are God's beloved son or daughter.
The usual practice for Catholics is to be baptized as infants. The children of faith-filled parents are claimed by Christ. If the divine life is to be shared with a child, he or she must continue to be fed in the practice of the faith. We ask first-time parents who would present a child for baptism to participate in a sacramental preparation program. Parental attendance even before the child is born will allow the sacrament to be scheduled without delay.
Because Sunday is the day of the Lord's Resurrection, it is the preferred day for celebrating Baptism. The Baptism of children may take place during any of the weekend Masses, or after the Saturday vigil or last Sunday morning Masses.
For baptism preparation please contact the Our Lady of the Falls Administration Office.