Liturgical Ministries
If you'd like to volunteer for any of these ministries please contact the parish administration office.
Sacred Worship (Liturgy) Committee
The Liturgy Committee assists the pastor in determining the liturgy schedule, planning special liturgies particularly during Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter seasons, making recommendations regarding music and liturgical ministries, and assisting with special projects such as hymnal selection and funeral ministry development.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
These individuals, who have been confirmed, will help distribute the Body of Christ or His Precious Blood at weekend Masses as needed. We also need some of these volunteers to help bring Communion to the homebound, those in nursing homes/care facilities, and the hospital with an emphasis on First Fridays to those who have requested it. Training is needed and provided.
Gift Bearers
Individuals or families who volunteer to bring forward the gifts of bread and wine during the Preparation of the Gifts at the weekend Mass time of their choice. Let the ushers know before Mass if you are available.

Cantor – Announces hymns, invites congregation to join in at appropriate times, leads the congregation, and when choir is scheduled, act as a leader in conjunction with the choir. Time commitment includes one or more weekend liturgies each month according to your scheduling preferences and rehearsing to learn new music as needed.
Accompanist/Instrumentalist – Accompany scheduled liturgies in a variety of circumstances including a cantor, choir, and occasionally other instruments. Also accompany rehearsals as necessary. Time commitment varies according to schedule. Accompanist should be comfortable with service music and able to learn new music as needed to accompany choir, cantor and congregational singing.
Adult Choir – This group sings weekly at the 10AM Sunday Mass and is scheduled for special Christmas and Triduum celebrations. Rehearsal time is 9-9:40AM Sunday morning. Prior to Christmas and Triduum additional rehearsal may be scheduled if necessary. We begin just after Labor Day and finish at the beginning of June. No audition required. You need an ability to sing and a willingness to learn new music.
7PM Adult Choir – This group of adults sing at the 7PM Mass twice each month, and as scheduled for special celebrations and feast days. Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 6-8PM. The season begins just after Labor Day and runs through the beginning of June. No audition required. You need an ability to sing and a willingness to learn new parts and music.

These are individuals, after suitable training, asked to read one of the Scriptures at weekend or weekday masses on a rotating basis. These individuals could also, if their schedules allow, volunteer to be a reader at funerals.
These individuals are the volunteers who do the "behind-the-scenes" set-up and straighten-up the Sacristy before and after Mass on a rotating basis. Training is provided for those interested.
Altar Servers
Volunteers, fourth grade boys and older, who assist in the Sanctuary during weekend or weekday Masses on a rotating schedule. Keep your eye on the bulletin for information on training sessions that are scheduled periodically.

Individuals who are the first friendly face to greet parishioners and guests as they arrive for Mass, help them find a seat, and if needed, assist with the collection and help straighten the book rests after Mass.