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Parish Maintenance

Please contact the Parish Office to be added to any of these ministries.




Weekly Pew Straighteners


No matter how hard we try, our book racks and pews seem to get disheveled. Our pew straighteners (men, women and families) are scheduled on a rotating basis to come in and “get the pews in order” so we can look neat and tidy, especially for the weekend.


Monthly Church Cleaners


While our janitorial staff cleans our church on a weekly basis, once a month, we ask for volunteers to give a little extra care to our pews, window sills and other areas in the church and keep things well-cared for. Watch the bulletin to know the next time we will be gathering and volunteer by just showing up to help. You’ll fit right in and meet (or get reacquainted) with parishioners as you work.


Church Elves


Individuals, especially children, to help after the weekday Mass by replenishing the holy water dispenser, watering plants and other “elfish good deeds” to keep things in order.


Seasonal Decorators


A group of individuals who gather several times a year, especially for the Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter Seasons, to plan and use their creative talents to decorate the Church to reflect the tone of the season.







Building and Grounds Committee

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